Dear [……..],
Thank you for contacting me with your concerns on the petrol and diesel ban, and electric vehicles.
It is important that we as a country take action to tackle climate change to help mitigate its effects, which include flooding, costal erosion and other issues caused by extreme weather. To play our part in tackling this global issue, the UK aims to eliminate our contribution to climate change and achieve net zero by 2050.
Bringing forward the end the sale of petrol and diesel cars and vans to 2030 and increasing the use of electric vehicles will play a crucial role in helping the UK to hit this ambitious, legally binding target. I want to assure you that the Government is putting in place the infrastructure to facilitate the accelerated transition to electric vehicles – including public chargepoints, residential on-street chargepoints as well as rapid and smart chargepoints.
I welcome that the Government is investing £3.5 billion to support the automotive sector and consumers in the transition to zero emissions vehicles. This includes: £1 billion of Government investment to support the electrification of UK vehicles and their supply chains; £620 million for targeted electric vehicle grants and infrastructure; and £275 million to extend support for charge point installation at homes, workplaces and on-street locations.
So far, government funding, alongside private sector investment, has supported the installation of more than 32,000 public electric vehicle charging devices, including over 6,000 rapid chargepoints – one of the largest networks in Europe. But there is much more to do. That is why I am glad that consumers will soon be able to compare costs across charging networks in a recognisable format similar to pence per litre for fuel and there will be new standards to ensure reliable charging for electric vehicle drivers.
Yours sincerely,
Damian Green
25th January 2023